Happy Thoughts

Some days I receive more phone calls from the police and attorneys than I do friends.  And friends, well, I have "air friends" but not any human friends.  Having friends was a risk the abuser couldn't take.  Someone might see.  Someone might know.  Better to keep her in her Ivory Tower where he can have her all to himself.  The Ivory Tower offered a measure of safety.  In it, I didn't have to deflect comments about men looking at me.  In public, he wanted me to wear suggestive clothing and then became angry when flashing flesh drew attention.  Never been a big fan of having it both ways.  Never been a big fan of showing off my bod either, but hey, it wasn't my body. 

I digress (I think that's my middle name).  Today, the phone call was to emphasize that acording to some sort of domestic violence algorithm, I am in immediate danger.  I'm not certain how to approach this.  On a cop show, I'd be wisked away in a fluffy wig and dark glasses to a safe location.  But I am not a witness in a mafia drama and this is my reality.  As an educated adult (at least my student loans seem to think so!) I am uncertain what my next move should be. 

If I am missing or dead....

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a "cop show" option but I don't. All I can do is remind you about the Domestic Violence Hotline http://www.thehotline.org/ 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)

    I am a stranger. We've never met. I'm not even sure how I stumbled onto your blog, but I hold you in my thoughts.


Be Nice! Remember you haven't walked a mile in my flip flops.