I saw a picture today of two women on horseback. Not too original, but the horses where chest deep forging a river. The women riders wore safety helmets (Honestly, I come from a state where motorcycle helmets are optional so I am aware of the repercussions, but how far of a journey is it from horse helmet to short bus?) and were relaxed and smiling. The horses were more concerned with keeping their nostrils above the water. The lead horse, a gorgeous, grey Appaloosa harbored a look of deep resignation in his eyes while ferrying his oblivious, smiling passenger. Today, I am the horse.
I'm usually so optimistic. Hey, 16 years of violent, physical abuse, I'm either going to be one helluva an optimist or beat so senseless as to not know or care! I'm having a hard time bouncing back this AM. I started a newish job on Monday. Plus side - more money. Minus side - more responsibility, more restraints, less time. My truck broke down on Monday. And on Tuesday. And on Wednesday. I need a new place to live having outgrown our smallish home and my lease is up. I definitely need new wheels.
I can't shake this Eeyorish doom and gloom today!!! Guess I need to make a list of all the things going
right to remind myself. Number 1. I am not in an abusive relationship any longer. Honestly, this Little Miss Doom & Gloom act needs to GO! As I wrote the sentence above, all the "buts" flew to the foreground, but you owe this and this and this, and you need to do this and this and this....
ACK! Girlfriends, anyone else having a blah, punky kind of week???