Little play on med humor there....Court is on Wednesday morning to decide on the permanence of the restraining order. Honestly, I don't understand them. I get the concept of what they are designed to do. They are a paper shield with the backing of the courts. Got it. What I don't understand are the different kinds of permanent ones. I don't know which kind we are requesting. Doesn't really matter. All I know is that my temporary one expires Wednesday and I need a new one.
I am holding on to the hope that Wednesday will cure my "DVs". Ever since he arrived back to the States, my hands haven't stopped shaking. Makes typing a (long) adventure! I tell myself I am strong and healthy and that his near presence is of no consequence to me and my family but my hands give me away. They shake. Constantly. I suspect they shake even in my sleep. I am hoping Wednesday cures this but have a sick feeling that only distance and time are the true cures. We shall see....
Meanwhile, He has complied with the protective order. Instead of contacting me, he has chosen to reach out and touch me in other ways. First thing he did upon getting back to the states was to start texting my oldest son. Second thing he did was drain the joint banking account, $3,300 transferred to an unknown account. Third thing, go to the AT&T store and block my access to the account. Fourth thing, start calling all the numbers on my account. Except for the numbers belonging to the women he picked up on Somehow he knew those numbers and did not bother them. As far as I know. Fifth thing he did was to turn off the Internet in our home. I still can't determine if this was done to punish my son for telling me about the serial texts to him (our son lives for and loves the Internet) or to punish me (I take classes on the Internet). What he failed to take into consideration is that our two middle sons received laptops as their Big Presents for Christmas (from me. He spent $40 on them for Christmas) and they love to spend time on the Internet after school doing their homework and looking up old Pokemon episodes and Sonic on YouTube. He didn't punish me. He punished the children.
Wonder what he has planned for Number 6?